Subject: Re: Floppy distribution
To: Lawrence Kesteloot <>
From: Michael Finch <rri!>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 03/29/1994 16:32:24
Lawrence "Larry the code machine" Kesteloot writes:

> The latest beta distribution, compressed, is a total of 14 megs.  (This
> is without the source code to the kernel.)  If we were to fit that onto
> floppies optimally, we would get:
>   14 megs / 1.4 megs = 10 HD floppies,
>   14 megs / 800k = 18 LD floppies,
>   14 megs / 200k = 70 200k chunks that can be fitted either way.
> but you'd have to download all parts of a split file for the installer
> not to freak out.  Splitting all of these could be automated fairly
> easily (for us), and it would only require on the order of 14 or 25
> disks (for you), depending on the distribution.
> Comments?

I don't want to be a trouble-maker, BUT an 800k floppy only has ~750k
available once a filesystem has been placed upon it. 


rri! (W)          | BORG-CVS: Your sources check in (H)    | Your changes are irrevelant.
