Subject: Re: Formatters
To: Kevin Wilson 315-456-1404 <>
From: None <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 04/05/1994 03:19:22
I sent this out before, but it didn't seem to get out...

  I know this is getting redundant but I've lost or discarded the info
  on where a "GOOD" Format/Partioning tool is on the net for the Mac.
  It looks like I may need it to fix my swap problem.

It's pretty easy to modify Apple's HD SC Setup disk formatter/
partitioner to work with arbitrary drives.  With ResEdit, open the
CODE resource named %A5Init, page down to the list of drives, and zero
out the second byte before the first letter (of "SEAGATE"...).

This may not be a "good" format/partitioning tool, but it works and is
fairly easy to use.

