Subject: Re: emacs
To: Rod Morehead <>
From: Bharat S. Jhaveri <bjhaveri@Arco.COM>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 04/11/1994 11:03:08
>Could you shoot me a copy of the output of the linking stage. What you descibe
>does not ring any bells but, I be I would recognize the output.
>If it runs at all am sure the binaries are fine. Have you stty(ed) rows and
>cols so UNIX nows how big your screen is. If this is off you will definately
>have terminal(tty not fatal;) ) problems.
>I will be happy to help you if I can. I am looking forward to gettying more
Thanks for the help. When I get home , I will get a copy of ld output
before it quits and mail it to you. I will also set cols to 80 in stty. I
have currently stty rows to 34. Maybe that explains why I start out emacs
OK but gets mangled as I go on. My columns may not be correct.
I am looking forward to get emacs working. The Unix on mac is a really cool
deal. I appreciate all the efforts put on by the Alice team and others like
you, who have made this poosible.
Bharat S. Jhaveri