Subject: fre increased after some compilation
To: None <,>
From: Ken Nakata CS major/CIS dept. <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 04/14/1994 17:55:34

I have an SE/30 with 8M ram and I'm having hard time to generate whole
NetBSD/Mac system.  Usually kernel gives panic during compilation
("bad dir", hung after signaling, etc) and both root and /usr fs are
corrupted.  I tried all kernels in NetBSD_Mac/new_kernels and
NetBSD_Mac/OBSOLETE/kernels but no lack so far.

Today, I noticed a strange (well, I think) thing; after making libc.a
successfully, vmstat showed about 2300 of fre, in stead of about
1200~1700 (I'm not sure) of them I got before make.  Is this normal?
Is it possible the free page list increases?  I'm looking into the
deamon book but I want to directly hear opinions from knowledgeable

Thanks in advance and sorry for my newbieness.

Ken Nakata
