Subject: Second semi-annual Bay MacBSD Pizza Reminder
To: MacBSD General Mailing List <>
From: Brad Grantham Featuring 24 Hour Alarm <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 05/22/1994 21:04:03
A reminder --

		Announcing the May, 1994 MacBSD Dinner night!

When:		Saturday, May 28th at 7:15 PM

Where:		4-5-6 Chinese Restaurant in Santa Clara, California
		(see directions below)

Who:		Any NetBSD/Mac enthusiasts within comfortable travel
		distance from Santa Clara.  (This depends on whether
		you bike or pilot your own aircraft...)

In Attendance:	Brad Grantham, the author of "ADB -- it's worse than bamboo
		splinters," and (possibly) Lawrence Kesteloot, responsible
		for virtual terminals and many bad earwig jokes.

		Discussion topics include the contents of the upcoming
		full MacBSD release, the future of Net/2-based software,
		what to *call* the upcoming MacBSD release, and why the
		"making of" episode for the ST:TNG finale gave away the
		entire plot.

R S V P:	Please try and let me know if you plan to join us; I
		need quasi-accurate information by this Thursday for

For more info:	Email, or call 408-248-8439 for
		carpool information and more detailed directions.
		I will already be visiting Palo Alto to pick up one
		person; I can pick up one more if necessary.
How to get there:

	A)	WEST BAY: Take 101 South.  At the San Tomas Expwy exit,
		take San Tomas Expwy South (Right).  Cross over El
		Camino Real.  The fourth light after El Camino is
		Pruneridge; turn left on Pruneridge.  Go straight through
		the stoplight at Saratoga Ave.  About a hundred yards
		past the intersection, 4-5-6 and a few other stores are
		on your right; turn right and park in the parking lot.

	B)	EAST BAY: take 880 South.  Turn onto the Montague Expwy;
		that's the right fork of the Montague Expwy exit.
		Follow Montague; as it crosses 101 it will become
		the Santomas Expwy; then follow directions as for (A).

	C)	SANTA CRUZ and points south: Take 17 North.  Take 280
		to the left (I believe that's the North exit).  Take
		Saratoga Ave North (Right).  After crossing Steven's
		Creek Blvd, Pruneridge is the third (or possibly
		second) light; turn right on Pruneridge and proceed
		as in (A) after crossing Saratoga.

"Can you hold, please?"  "Hi, I'm having a problem --" "Can you HOLD, please?"
"LOOK, mister, I've been on HOLD for twenty --" "IF YOU DON'T HOLD, I'M GOING
Brad Grantham, >+------+< Happily slaved to NetBSD/Mac68k!
