Subject: WTB: cheap nubus video card
To: None <>
From: Peter Siebold <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 06/20/1994 15:43:33
I know that this sould probably be posted elsewhere, but does any one 
have a video card for a IIvx that would drive an Apple 14in trinitron 
for sale?  I'm so eager to try out the new ADB when it comes out, that I 
would like to have a video card ready to go.  I don't know if this is a 
good assumption, but are the apple video cards expandable if I were to 
take the vram out of my internal video, and put it on the nubus video?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Basically I'm looking for 
something to tie me over until the internal video is figured out and that 
won't require my life savings to buy.

Thanks for the help.	Pete

Peter Siebold    ___|___ 	  
  						-------( )------  
When you soar among the birds WHAT do you feel?       o/ \o	  
