Subject: Performa 600/IIvx working yet?
To: None <>
From: nosrednA .W ecurB <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 06/26/1994 11:14:53
Here's a stupid question--I should know this already but I haven't really
been paying much attention. Does MacBSD work on the IIvx/Performa 600 yet?
I own the latter and would very much like to run BSD. I realise that
the P600 is not precisely the same as the vx, but the differences
are slight (no cache card, for example) and should cause no real problems.
So, if anyone knows, please tell me what the status of the vx project is.
If it comes down to it, I might be persuaded to loan my Mac to the
project members to help them along...if they need me, I can be reached
by phone during the evening at (219)356-4973. That's central, FYI. 8^)
Thanks very much,
Bruce Anderson
| "Grapes??? I *HATE* grapes!!!" |
| Bruce W. Anderson, speaking only for himself. |
|"And I would be the one to hold you down |This .signature is|
| kiss you so hard, I'll take your breath away |copyright 1994 |
| and after I wipe away the tears, just close your eyes..."|K.B.F.H. (C) |
| Sarah McLachlan, "Possession" |Productions, Inc. |