Subject: Re: Test kernel on cray
To: Lawrence Kesteloot <>
From: chas j williams iii <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 07/09/1994 12:22:42
In message <>,"Lawrence Kesteloot" w
>Let us know what you find.

well it seems that I can indeed boot this kernel on my mac IIcx with 8M of
memory and a standard apple 8-bit video card in b&w mode.

at first, i could not login as noted by someone else on this mailing list, but
them i noticed the login banner mentioned i was on /dev/con2--which would be
difficult since the new kernel doesnt have a /dev/con2

i edited /etc/ttys to turn on /dev/console and turn off /dev/con[0-6] (with
my old kernel) and then rebooted.

things are running much better now.  

there is a minor problem, if i press the return key too fast in succession
it seems to get 'stuck' i.e. repeating returns forever.  unplugging the keyboard
and mouse didn't help.  it also seems to not want to see anymore new input

right now, i am hanging a wyse-50 off the modem port and running getty on

--chas iii
