Subject: Where is the Mailing List Archive?
To: None <>
From: Paul Jaffray <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 07/10/1994 11:04:03
Someone mentioned in a previous message a mailing list archive. Does
such a thing exist, where is it, and how do I access it.
I have just gotten BSD to boot on my IIx and am struggling with some
problems. I seem to recall that some of the problems I am having have
already been dealt with in previous messages on this mailing list. Rather
than bother all you busy people, I would like to try and find the answers
In case the answers are not there, here are the problems I am having:
-System boots in single user mode but just about everything I do results
in the message "No". I have no idea what this means.
-I am unable to mount the file system read/write. I issue the "mount -u
/" command but get the message "fstab: /etc/fstabNo such file or
directory Segmentation fault"
-These two problems seem be involved when I try and boot multi-user mode
via control-D. I get a welcome message followed by comments about
setting up /etc/fstab. It looks like it is waiting for a response,
issues a couple of error messages and then just keeps looping.
BTW all files are from the BETA-1 directory.
Thank you.
Paul Jaffray