Subject: new bash source
To: macbsd-general <>
From: Peter Siebold <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 07/20/1994 09:52:46
> Thanks Pete. I got it last night and tried it out. It worked well.
> Actually, I would like to keep the source around, specially if I have to
> recompile it for some reason,and also it will have some documentation. So,
> if you may, would you please put it there, and I will look for it there
> later today.
> BTW, others who are interested, bash will be still there at,
> pub/jhaveri, for a couple of more days.
For source, look at MRCNEXT.CSO.UIUC.EDU in /pub/gnu for
bash-1.14.1.tar.gz which has several bug fixes, and also has the patch
for netbsd. Compiles with a simple "make".