Subject: Thanks, and warning
To: None <>
From: Michael Kirschner <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 07/27/1994 19:15:34
Thanks to those of you who answered my plea fore info on this list and
MacBSD. Now the heads up: I found out about this list via Microtimes, a San
Francisco Bay Area monthly freebie, but good quality, computer magazine.
They didn't publish the correct information but via persistence and knowing
who to contact at Microtimes I got the correct addresses (at least for
this list; I had to hassle the list to get the subscribe info, as you saw).
To make a long story short, next month when they publish the corrected info
you will probably see an on-slaught of subscriptions to the list (I'd
guess). Just thought I'd let ya know!
See you on the freeway,
Michael Kirschner E-Mail address: obnoid@netcom.COM
"As the percentage of women in the workforce has increased, the percentage
of men in the workforce has actually decreased" - CNN 7/11/94