Subject: Re: has anyone used a tape drive with macbsd?
To: Ken Nakata <>
From: Peter Siebold <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 07/29/1994 12:42:54
> One quick question:
> Has anyone used a SCSI tape drive with MacBSD?
Tried, Yes.
> After experiencing fs crashes several times, I'm starting seriously
> considering to buy a back-up device instead of a second Mac as a
> serial terminal. If anyone has any experience with any tape drive,
> please share your experience. If noone has, then I will risk
> $800... (I'm thinking of APS DAT drive)
Take a look at the kernal source code. sys/arch/mac68k/dev/st.c I think
lists all the devices that are supported with NetBSD. I tried using one
of the old Apple Tape Backups (3M MDC-40) and there was no matching
driver. I will start playing with the kernel source to try and get it
working on this drive as soon as I get a 1.0 kernel, and source that is
> Ken