Subject: Booter 1.1 on a IIsi
To: MacBSD General <>
From: David Leonard <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 07/30/1994 19:49:25
If you are working with at the moment and don't like the
"never been tried on your machine before" dialog, a quick fix is:

	Booter 1.1 CODE resource 2: change byte 0x3E2C to 0x60

This just substitutes a branch over the dialog code and makes things just
a bit faster. I guess one day, there'll be a booter which won't do this :)

Also, I noticed that the booter preferences doesn't hold the MacOS/NetBSD
radio button.

MacBSD is way cool.

Dave Leonard
David Leonard
The University of Newcastle            4th year Engineering/CompSci student
