Subject: Re: has anyone used a tape drive with macbsd?
To: None <>
From: Kevin Wilson 315-456-1404 <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 08/02/1994 09:23:59
> The thing to remember about Exabyte drives is to use *ONLY* the Exabyte
> tapes (I've had problems with Memorex, Sony, and Fuji data-grade tapes. I've
> never had a problem with the Exabyte brand even though they're made by Sony).
> Also; I religiously clean the drive (with a cleaning cartridge) every 30
> hours of use... I've had this drive for 4 years and had nary a problem with
> it...
FWIW; I have heard this same comment from a number of sources also, but I
have had no problems using the top of the line Sony MetalMp120 video tapes.