Subject: Re: problems/questions
To: mike j. laporte <>
From: Richard Wackerbarth <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 08/24/1994 06:17:40
>I'm getting a process mismatch size when using PS and W(who), someone
>said (I think) that it needs a remake..can anyone verify this and tell
>me how to do it?

The "ps" program requires a libkern that matches the kernel that you are
using. I suggest that you use "procps" until either there is a release of
everything or until you have the source to compile your own kernel,libs,

>In DT, how can I start the other terminals(3-x)?

RTFM == "<command>o" (for open) activates a new terminal session

>SLIP, is anyone using one via modem?

>I have  service that will provide
>me with SLIP/CSLIP/PPP service but I have to get my address dynamically
>everytime.  I havent had any luck getting MacTCP to get it dynamically yet
>but if unix is "easier" to setup then I'll go that route.

Set MacTCP to get its address "from server"
I haven't gotten an automated script to do logins from MacBCD to work yet.
But I am working on it. Right now I do it manually.

>Users/Passwords- how do I set them up and/or change them and
>restrictions? I havent found anything that can tell me to the point
>to where I understand it(though I have found stuff to teach me vi
>so I can fuddle through it :>  ).

To some extent it depends on whether or not you have crypt installed.
The safest way is to set up the new users without a password and then log
in under that name and set the password via the "passwd" command.

To add users, use "vipw" which is a shell around "vi"
The entries are

Make sure that the userid's are unique. If the system is not encrypted, you
can enter a password, otherwise leave it blank.
