Subject: Re: powerbook support?
To: Russell Muetzelfeldt <>
From: Allen `Tell me three times' Briggs <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 09/01/1994 20:19:16
> The most recent FAQ I've seen (early july) said that support for
> 68030 based FPU equiped powerbooks was expected in about two months.
*sigh* No change at the moment. None of the developers have
powerbooks or duos. As I've said before, we can't afford to buy
each mac and port NetBSD to each one.
> I am about to recieve a pb170 on indefinate loan, and was wondering
> if I should bother reformatting the hard drive with unix partitions
> set aside for macBSD.
If you can get another PB170 on an indefinite loan for me, it would
definitely increase your chances of being able to run NetBSD. I have
updated my .plan, so "finger" and look
at the end for more info on what would be useful. [ The To-Do sections
still needs some work, I'll try to update that. ]
Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/Mac **
"We'll call you when you're 6 years old and drag you to the factory to drain
your brain for 18 years with promise of security, but then you're free
and 40 years you waste to chase the dollar sign so you may die in Florida"