Subject: Re: Merger
To: None <>
From: Richard Stallman <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 09/03/1994 03:11:23
But of course what arguments like this ignore is that Apple doesn't
give a flying boink about unix weenies or hackers in general
I'd expect them to care a lot if hackers start refusing to work for
But it is true that the boycott has not succeeded in making Apple
unhappy. It hasn't worked because only a few people have
participated. Partly because Mac-lovers are so good at finding
rationalizations to take the easy way out, regardless of their longer
term interests. (Look at recent messages on this list.) But mostly
because the LPF did not have the clout to launch the boycott strongly
So perhaps it would be good strategy to end the boycott.
On the other hand, condemnation of Apple may nonetheless serve a
useful purpose in terms of stirring up feelings against look and feel
lawsuits in general.
Meanwhile, I am unpersuaded by the claims that many people would be
induced to support the LPF by using GNU software on a Mac. I have
not seen them do very much so far.