Subject: System freeze after setting time on IIsi
To: macbsd macbsd <macbsd-general@NetBSD.Org>
From: Michael Smith <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 09/25/1994 21:13:01
Ok, two (at least) problems here :
I'm using the netbsd-073094 kernel out of the for_testing/ directory.
Bootstrap gets the time Thu Dec 31 16:05:50 PST 1903 from my IIsi, which
is not very useful 8) (system time is set correctly).
I can reset the time/date with 'date', however I get the messages
<date> myname syslog: date set by root
we read ret=ff, tmp=ff (tmp+1) &0xff= 0
WARNING: cannot set battery-backed clock
The date is set (in the kernel) ok - date now returns sensible information.
Unfortunately, after about 5 seconds, the system locks up.
I'm using a serial terminal because the ADB in this kernel doesn't do IIsi
ADB (fair enough, it looks like a right pain) so all I can say for sure is
that the serial port is unhappy, however I left the system for several
minutes (to allow time for periodic sync) but still got filesystem errors
on restart.
looking at mac68k/mac68k/pram.c (file dated dec 17 1993), pram_settime
I find an interesting technique that I assume checks to see that some
change is being made (or there is some other wizardry to do with the
pram that I know not of). This appears to be where the problem is
being picked up, (the ret= blah above is here), and as pram_gettime
does no sanity checking I can assume that there is a problem with the pram
interface code.
Anyone else with a IIsi and working time/date? Anyone have a fix, or does
the source I have have the fix in it?
(turns out to be a major problem after a kernel build dies halfway through
(this is another problem actually, where is mac68k/dev/bounds.h ???)
and I restart it - all of the sources are decades newer than the objects
that have just been built from them... full compile on a 5M IIsi is slow!)
Should keep you thinking!
# mike smith : - Silicon grease monkey #
# "The question 'why are the fundamental laws of nature mathematical' #
# then invites the trivial response 'because we define as fundamental #
# those laws which are mathematical'". Paul Davies, _The_Mind_of_God_. #