Subject: current available macbsd
To: None <,>
From: Tony Doan <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 10/12/1994 14:01:18
I've been out of this for a little while. But recently I have become in need
of a machine to run named, so I went looking for the tar files so I could
install it in an SE/30.
However I found the Beta directory on cray-ymp to be closed to anonymous users.
Have I missed something? Did the beta get retracted? Can I still get alpha
1 or 0 somewhere?
Also, I was wondering if anyone could tell me the state of the ethernet
driver. As I said before I need to run named on my network and i have an
SE/30 with an Asante card in it. Will that work? Or is the driver still
mostly unstable?
Tony Doan