Subject: Re: Another Mac IIsi install
To: David Holcomb <>
From: Allen 'Time?' Briggs <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 10/20/1994 07:39:36
> Partition label
> --------- -----
> Root&Usr a
> Usr b (?)
> Swap g
Swap is on b, Usr is on g. Unless you reconfigure the kernel. If you
reconfigure the kernel, you can assign the devices however you want
(well, within reason--you can't assign st0 to a scsi disk ;-)
> I believe 8 partitions is the max you can have for any drive.
That's correct. I'm thinking about changing this to 16 soon-ish.
Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/Mac **