Subject: Getting a IIci to work
To: None <>
From: Scott Kaplan <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 10/24/1994 22:52:53
Okay, with help, I've gotten my IIci working with all 8 megs.  Chip, I hope
you don't mind that I'm posting your fix to everyone here.  If you have a
IIci and want to use the 1.0_BETA distribution, you'll need to get the
073194 kernel, version 0.9C, in the for_testing/ (or is it
directory.  Then:

Edit /etc/ttys.  I did this by using the installer mini-shell and doing a
cpout, then editing with Alpha, and then doing a cpin when I was done.
Make a copy of the ttye0 line, but rename ttye0 to con1.  Also, change the
"on" for the console device to "off" for secure.

Once this is done, boot single user and in /dev do a "mknod c con1 11 0".
Reboot again as multiuser and you should be working.  Note that you may
still see errors about "/dev/ttye0: Command not supported on device", but
it doesn't seem to harm anything.
