Subject: Re: dt
To: mike j. laporte <>
From: David Holcomb <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 10/26/1994 02:13:57
> I'm having a problem with dt, it seems that now I cant cmd-o to open
> any new terminals, I get 3 on startup and I can't logout or login
> direct from a terminal either. I get the not in login shell
> error message.
Last time I checked, dt only allowed up to 4 virtual terminals,
although the README said you could open up to 8.
Are you using "dt -n 4 -f small"?
(opens with 4 vt's with a small font)
What machine do you have? I had no problem setting up an
external terminal on a Mac II.
I wonder if the "not in login shell" is due to you being in
single-user or something. Do you get that message for each
virtual terminal?
--Dave Holcomb