Subject: netbsd10 in 1.0-BETA crashes...
To: None <macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John E. Clark <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 10/26/1994 09:27:57
Others have reported this, but I thought I'd add
my own contribution...
I also get a 'biodone already...' trap to the KDB.
Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to narrow it
down to any particular set of conditions.
With the netbsd-1.0 kernel I was able to:
1) come up to single user mode.
2) Compile /desktop/dt to a working program.
3) Avoid terminal crash by judicious 'clear's and use of 'dt'.
However, the question arose, if the minimal ite driver
crashes on scrolling, and crashes on exiting of an invocation
of dt in single user mode, how on earth does one get multi-user
mode up?
The one time I tried going for the gusto, I got the 'biodone'
crash after just a few initial rc things.
I dropped back to an older kernel, which of course broke 'ps'...
John Clark