Subject: Re: dt
To: mike j. laporte <>
From: grantham <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 10/26/1994 11:23:30
> I'm having a problem with dt, it seems that now I cant cmd-o to open
> any new terminals, I get 3 on startup and I can't logout or login
> direct from a terminal either.  I get the not in login shell
> error message.

Check the device numbers and permissions on the /dev/tty{p,q}? files.
Make sure they all have the same permissions and the device numbers
increase properly per device.  If you can't figure it out, send an
"ls -l /dev/tty*" to us.  (Who cares if that will throw in the
serial ports?)

Brad Grantham, ++++++++++++++++
UNIX is kind of like a car with primer but no paint, foam but no upholstery, a
V-8 with fuel injection but no brakes, and two dozen lights and indicators that
	  you have to know how to turn on before you can find them.