Subject: Question on formatting software.
To: MacBSD <>
From: Chip Burkhead <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 11/01/1994 12:56:42
Does anyone have formatting software that will do Unix partitions that
they especially like? I used the APS Disk Formatter software and it did
the partitions; but it creates more than I want. It makes a Root & Usr,
Swap, & Eschetology(sp?). I have no idea what the third one is for; but
it is using up about 3M of my disk space and I need all I can get. I also
can't find a way to not make this partition or to delete it and move the
freed space to another partition.
What I would like (if it exists) is something that would allow me to
specify the parition name & size and not try to force me into anything
beyond Root & Usr and Swap. Does such a thing exist and if so how can I
get it? I'm going to be moving to a bigger hard drive probably this
weekend and I would like to be able to set it up better than my current
one with a minimum of hassles. BTW, this hard drive will probably be
invisible to the Apple SC Setup program so I don't think it will be an
option. Thanks in advance.
- Chip -