Subject: 1.0, SE/30, and 32-bit addressing
To: None <macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 11/17/1994 09:11:47
I finally (sorry I'm late) installed 1.0 on my SE/30 last night. It
now works great, but didn't first time. After several assorted panics
and freezes followed by reset by hand, I noticed a big X sign on
Connectix 32-bit enabler's (name?) icon during MacOS booting. Yeah,
that's right, 32-bit addressing needed to be enabled. After enabling
32-bit addressing, it works just fine.
I seem to remember someone posted here about 32-bit addressing and
IIci, but not SE/30... I thought it had something to do with IIci's
splitted memory map, but it appears not. Whatever Mac model you use,
be sure 32-bit addressing is enabled. It's safer.
I won't be able to touch my SE/30 until next Wednesday... (*arrrrgh*)
See you then...