Subject: I_was_bored__There_was_a_8100
To: None <>
From: mike j. laporte <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 11/25/1994 21:39:23
Well, its the friday after turkey day and I was in the the
few pieces of paper straightend out that I needed to and started looking
around for things to do. Got mactcp straightened out, and looked below
my se/30 and saw the bsd drive sitting there. I grabbed it and took off
with a shout,(ugh, not gooing to continue with that). I plugged it
into the 8100/80 with 40meg up in our show room and loaded the
installer and booter. I fired up the booter and got the "Not tested"
message like I had expected, and pressed continue.
The result:
1 grey bar
1 toast set of system files.
I can see two problems, it seemed to have a problem with the video and
easily seen, the powermac I was on could only go to 256 grays, no lower.
We have a 21" sony attached to on-board video. The second problem
seemed to be with memory manager possibly. Reason I say that is thats
where it seemed to hang ofter I rebooted. I re-installed 7.5 and all was
back to 'normal'.
thank you, and good night.