Subject: SUG: IIci keyboard ?
To: None <macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 12/14/1994 13:21:03


I've had a few suggestions for booting NetBSD 1.0 on my
IIci, following the problems I have had.

Allen Briggs suggested booting with auto-mem off and 16Mb RAM
selected. Also booting from system 6 or 7.{0,1}. I'm running
7.1 with system update 3.0, so that shouldn't be a problem.

Peter Mattis found that he had the identical problem on his IIsi.
He installed netbsd10.patched (haven't seen this yet, but now I'll
go looking for it!) and it worked OK after that.

Many thanks for the suggestions. I shall try these out ASAP and
I will let you know of the results.



S. Claesen					e-mail:
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