Subject: Re: MacLinux
To: None <>
From: Jarkko Torppa <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 12/17/1994 10:21:39
On Sat, 17 Dec 1994 wrote:
> > I only wish that NetBSD/68k got as much press and support.
> So what IS the point of porting linux to the mac.. NetBSD
> is a much better implimentation of unix than linux...
GPL could be one point, another could be that some people are thinking
that Linux is the only free-Unix available.
> The only reason linux is popular is because it is a free, and
> runs on intel-based pcs.
The real reason linux is more popular than *BSD is because:
- 386/BSD 0.0 got bad name as disk trasher and such, things that were
implemented in Linux at least didn't trash your whole machine.
- Linux(SlackWare) is easier to install than NetBSD/i386 and the
installation program looks nicer. Installation program has lot's to do
with the perceived 'frendliness' of a system, as it's the first part
that the user sees.
- Average computer owner is unable to type 'make', and everyplace is
flooded with Linux binaries (tried to use archie lately ?).
Also Points 2 and 3 is what makes FreeBSD more popular than NetBSD, I
havent seen installation utility of FreeBSD but somehow I think that it
must be prettier than that of NetBSD/i386.
What this has to do with NetBSD/Mac ? Just trying to point out what would
make more people use the system (if it worked on their machines).
I'm personally most interested in NetBSD because I have 4
(mac/i386/Vax/pmax) different architecture machines that have partly
working ports of NetBSD for them as OS for some of them would cost about
10x more than the machine costed.