Subject: Status of MacBSD
To: None <macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Brian Gaeke <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 12/27/1994 18:08:54
Hello, I got bumped off the list earlier in the year so I don't know
what's happening re post-BETA-1 stuff.
1. What's the status of the 1.0 stuff working on the IIci?
When I run the 'netbsd10.patched' kernel I get:
[ preserving 73360 bytes of netbsd symbol table ]
L(and it hangs after writing 'L').
(Do I have to rip out my nubus boards again? sigh...)
2. What are the different features of the kernels under /pub/test
and /pub/test/old on Or don't they work..?
Sorry for all the annoying questions...
Brian Gaeke <> -- Email for PGP2.6ui public key
"'Involuntary' means a non-intentional act such as a hat blowing
off or a scream resulting from a sudden wasp sting."