Subject: cu problems...
To: None <macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <canfield_rw@MIKE.LRC.EDU>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 02/20/1995 02:13:42
Ok I am having a little trouble with the cu command, well actually more with
the port...
The /etc/ttyline is set as:
tty00 none off
I think that is how it is set, which I read in some book here or there as
the setup to use for an outgoing modem...
then I type the
cu -l tty00 -s 9600
it comes up with connected and then when I try to type the atdt ...
for the line to dial it gives a read/write error...
then disconects.
If I type the cu line with the cable disconnected up til the connected
message comes up and then plug it iand do the atdt line it works fine..
the machine is a IIcx with 5meg ram.. If any more info is needed to possible
figure this out I can give it... (setups in /etc or what ever)...
any help would be appreciated,