Subject: Re: can't gzip xwindow tar file
To: William V Roth <>
From: grantham <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 02/28/1995 09:56:33
> I downloaded a copy of X11R6.122094.tgz from cray-ymp (twice), and have 
> not been able to zinstall or tar it from inside the netBSD.  
> "tar xzvpf X11R6.122094.tgz"
> [...]
> The file starts to decompress and spews out:
> [...]
> tar: skipping to next file header...
> gzip: Stdin: invalid
> compressed data -- format violated

How did you bring the tar file to your machine?  Is it possible that you
downloaded it through FTP in "TEXT" mode?  If you downloaded it to your
machine, what program did you use and did you have to transfer from
MacOS to MacBSD through the installer or "HFS"?
--  ----------- Brad Grantham,
Confidence is the belief that you can successfully improvise when presented
with an unfamiliar situation. *** Why don't they just resurrect every dead
crew member with the transporter? *** Windows is just CP/M with mag wheels.