Subject: Kernel for Mac II with no PMMU chip
To: MacBSD General <macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Gord C. Busse <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 05/13/1995 15:30:53
Hi all,
I downloaded the complete workings for MacBSD 1.0 from ftp://acm/vt/edu.
Which took quite a bit of time at 14.4. I am really quite interested in
UN*X type operating systems and even more interested at the possibility
of running one on my MAC. I followed the installation instructions to the
letter, everything seemed to be went fine during installation until I
tried to BOOT for the first time. Of course, when I booted MacBSD, it
came up saying that I need either a PMMU or a 68030.
I have a MAC II with 8MB of RAM and NO PMMU. Does anyone know if there is
a way to get MacBSD to boot on this type of system without a PMMU. Or
does anyone know where I could get a PMMU cheap. I am planning on getting
a POWERMAC soon, and it would be great if I could turn my old MACII into
MacBSD workstation.
Thanks in advance
Gord <>