Subject: Some troubles on SE/30
To: None <macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Yoshihisa Sugimoto <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 05/29/1995 00:53:58
Now I'm trying to install MacBSD on SE/30. I found two problems in
installing NetBSD on SE/30.
1. The MRG #31 kernel hanged up when booting.
nubus0 at mainbus0
grf0 at nubus
The message stopped here.
When I installed MRG #25 kernel, it booted smoothly.
Has anyone experienced this phenomenon?
One of my friends has experienced the same trouble on SE/30.
2. "ifconfig" caused the system to hang up.
The Ethernet card I use is Asante MacCon+30iET64 and the kernel is
netbsd MRG #25. The environment is as same as that on IIcx which
runs NetBSD without any errors.
The "dmesg" shows "ae0 at nubus0: address 00:00:94:31:4d:4d, type
Asante Technologies, Inc., 32k mem". The hostname.ae0 contains "inet
se30bsd". Other files concerning network
are correctly configured. The single user mode did not cause any
errors. When I exited into the multi-user mode, it hanged up with message
"starting network". I found "ifconfig" made the system hang up.
Does anyone run NetBSD with this card successfully?
Is there any idea?
Thanks in advance.
)))) Yoshihisa Sugimoto *** ((((
)) Department of Medicine I / Medical Information Center ((
)) Shiga University of Medical Science, ((
)))) Seta-Tsukinowa, Ohtsu, Shiga, 520-21 JAPAN ((((