Subject: Re: DeskWriters; ImageWriter control codes
To: None <>
From: Greg Ames <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 07/04/1995 12:04:18
Jonathan AH Hogg <> wrote:
>On Sun, 2 Jul 1995, Bill Studenmund wrote:
>> I've found some drivers for the DeskJet, and discovered that the DeskWriter
>> does graphics similarly (a raster-graphics document for the DeskJet
>> printed with little problem on my DeskWriter). I should be able to cobble
>> something together, but am wondering about any help from others. ??
>i'm not sure but i seem to remember that the ghostscript stuff comes with
>a deskjet driver. at least i know of people using ghostscript to drive a
>deskjet. they have a postscript queue setup for it. quite neat really.
I missed the start of this thread, but...
Yes, I am using ghostscript 2.6.2 to drive a DeskJet 560C (centronics
parallel) on my FreeBSD-equipped PC. I tried to run a DeskWriter 550C
on one of the serial ports, but with no luck (about the only way I
could get it to print was "echo <string> > /dev/cuaa2")
In fact, I built the ImageWriter driver into ghostscript as well, and
can print postscript output from my PC on my old IW2. You need to
change line 89 of gdevadmp.c from
< gx_device_printer gs_dmp_device =
> gx_device_printer gs_appledmp_device =
to avoid a link error. Other than that, it worked fine out of the
box on FreeBSD. NetBSD should be just as painless.