Subject: Re: How to get a IIvx running BSD?
To: Thomas Bj|rn Andersen <>
From: noud de brouwer <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 07/05/1995 01:39:24
>Hi, I realize that this might be a newbie question, but I can't find
>the mailing-list archives, so here goes:

>I'd like to install NetBSD on my IIvx, on a SyQuest 3.5" 270MB drive.
>I tried using NetBSD 1.0, from my local InfoMac Mirror site, but
>booting via the serial port only got me as far as about 13 grey bars
>on my main monitor.


>Can someone explain to me the details about how to install it on the
>vx, and also if there are any current mirrors in Europe?

It's a current mirror withouth "current".


btw: Ain't that related to getting a IIsi going?, there's a HOW-TO about it.
     Also one about the SyQuest

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