Subject: Re: Absolute Minimum install
To: Jaeson Engle <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 07/13/1995 23:24:24
> Alright, I have a SE/30, 8 MB RAM/40 Meg HD, so what's the absolute
> minimum I can get away with to get MacBSD up and running on it?
I'm running MacBSD on my SE/30 too. Now I have 20M RAM, but I used
to run with 8M just fine. But 40M HD is a bit short of space. I'd
suggest you get an external drive of your choice. Don't worry too
much about the capacity; you won't find a drive that's too small
to fit minimal MacBSD system on it. I personally recommend APS's
Good luck,
Ken Nakata <kenn@{eden,remus}> | ""
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey | for Logitech TrackMan/MouseMan
New Brunswick, New Jersey | support for NetBSD/mac68k