Subject: Re: trying to install current version
To: Sean Sweda <>
From: noud de brouwer <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 07/27/1995 10:10:36
> I've been able to successfully bring up netbsd on an SE/30 with
> 8 megs of ram and a 240 mb drive, with the generic 1.0 release.
> However, I *really* want ethernet capability, so I installed the
> current binaries (, but when I try to boot it
> hangs on the grf0. I assume this is because the kernal was
> compiled for use on a Mac II with the 8-bit video card, and all
> I got is the 1-bit screen. Any tips on how to get this up and
> running? Especially appreciated would be any info on how to get
> the networking via ethernet working.
**it's still messy v.0b & untested**
How to install your first interface:
Some organisational things to do:
1. Ask/pick an IP-name and IP-number for your ethernet's interface.
Let's say the name is BSDsName and the number
2. Ask/pick an Domain name.
Let's say the name is my.domain.
Some technical things to do:
Type these steps in (you can omit the comments starting with "#"):
cd /etc # move to the etcetera directory
echo "inet BSDsName" > hostname.ae0 # store your ethernet's interface in
it's place
echo BSDsName > myname # store your host in it's place
echo my.domain > defaultdomain # store Domain name in it's place
echo " BSDsName" >> hosts
# bind the IP-number to the IP-name
echo my.domain > resolv.conf
echo "nameserver" >> resolv.conf
echo "lookup file" >> resolv.conf
# make sure BSD can resolve all the
things we told it
You can also FTP the script into the /etc directory,
or vi it in if you prefer that.
Then on the BSD side type these steps in (you can omit the comments
starting with "#"):
cd /etc # move to the etcetera directory
chmod a-w+x # make the script executable ae0 BSDsName my.domain
# execute the script
Here's the script:
#!/bin/sh # this file is a script
# $1 Interface type
# $2 Host name
# $3 Host number
# $4 Domain name
cd /etc # move to the etcetera directory
# backup files that this script is changing
cp hostname.$1 hostnm.$1.back
cp myname myname.back
cp defaultdomain defaultdomain.back
cp hosts hosts.back
cp resolv.conf resolv.conf.back
echo "inet $3" > hostname.$1 # store an ethernet's interface in it's place
echo $2 > myname # store your host in it's place
echo $4 > defaultdomain # store Domain name in it's place
# bind IP-numbers to IP-names
echo "$3 $2.$4 $2" >> hosts
# tell BSD to use all this
echo domain $4 > resolv.conf
echo "nameserver $3" >> resolv.conf
echo "lookup file" >> resolv.conf
sync # insure that all disk writes have been
shutdown -r now # reboot now
And for your confort:
#!/bin/sh # this file is a script
# $1 Interface type
cd /etc # move to the etcetera directory
# park files that has modified
mv hostname.$1 hostnm.$1.park
mv myname myname.$1.park
mv defaultdomain defaultdomain.$1.park
mv hosts hosts.$1.park
mv resolv.conf resolv.conf.$1.park
# restore files that has changed
cp hostnm.$1.back hostname.$1
cp myname.back myname
cp defaultdomain.back defaultdomain
cp hosts.back hosts
cp resolv.conf.back resolv.conf
shutdown -r now # reboot now
#!/bin/sh # this file is a script
# $1 Interface type
cd /etc # move to the etcetera directory
# restore parked files that has changed
cp hostnm.$1.park hostname.$1
cp myname.$1.park myname
cp defaultdomain.$1.park defaultdomain
cp hosts.$1.park hosts
cp resolv.conf.$1.park resolv.conf
shutdown -r now # reboot now