Subject: Those ftp numbers (fwd)
To: MacBSD General <macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Brian R. Gaeke <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 08/01/1995 01:39:16
An example of why NetBSD-current's networking beats the pants off MacTCP:

(Note: Not claiming this is a rigorous test or anything. Purely for your
amazement. Posted to macbsd-general as per request of Allen.)

31 tar.gz files were retrieved from (a 20MB 486DX/2 PC running
Linux 1.3.12 with a 3Com EtherLink III network adapter, Adaptec 1542 SCSI
card, and Fujitsu SCSI disk) to (a 8MB Macintosh IIci with
a Farallon EtherMac II-TP card and a Fujitsu SCSI disk) over an otherwise
quiet Brian's House Ethernet, first from MacOS 7.5 running MacTCP 2.0.2
and Fetch 2.1.2, then in NetBSD-current running the standard ftp client.

 Size    Filename                  MacOS NetBSD
  101455 net-tools-1.2.0.tgz       50727 254026
 3404805 nethack-3.1.3.tgz         53200 279393
 1442751 nvi.ALPHA.1.49.tgz        53435 295157
  373881 pdksh.tar.gz              53411 272485
 1130765 perl5.001.tgz             51398 284674
  545844 pgp262s.tgz               54584 292166
  463368 pgp26ui-src.tgz           57921 238210
  322010 ppp-2.1.2b.tgz            53668 254404
  167627 procmail-3.11pre3.tar.gz  55875 220131
   60451 qpopper2.1.4-r1.tgz       60451 227582
  121844 rtftohtml.tgz             60922 224875
   78420 rzsz-9204.tar.gz          78420 222076
  305402 screen-3.6.1.tgz          61080 240045
  977803 sendmail8612.tgz          44445 284447
  670831 shadow-3.3.1+.tar.gz      55902 249146
  415370 sndkit.tgz                51921 265680
  224009 sup-linux.tar.gz          56002 240728
  409343 svgalib126.tar.gz         51167 263862
  404292 tcpdump303.tar.gz         50536 254929
  525590 tcsh-6.06.tar.gz          58398 264773
  225785 xinetd.2.1.4.tgz          75261 282648
  232904 xview.tgz                 46580 212139
  565937 zsh-2.6-beta9.tar.gz      56593 280631
  119398 bomb.tgz                  59699 246859
  932228 cap60.pl194+linux.tgz     58264 269434
  133298 dip337l-uri.tar.gz        66649 245105
  271454 e2fsprogs-0.5b.tgz        54290 264060
 7442415 emacs-19.28.tgz           53160 300314
   63121 libdes.tar.gz             63121 228826
  184186 lilo-0.15.tgz             61395 259264
  107663 modules128.tgz           107663 218547
 Results  MacOS NetBSD
 Minimum  44445 212139
 Maximum 107663 300314
 Mean     58585 256019
 Median   55902 259264

'tworks. No hardware overruns, no 'length does not match next packet ptr'
messages, no device timeouts. NetBSD gets 250Kbytes/s. versus MacOS's
57Kbytes/s. Of course, MacOS bombed the first time I started it up to do
this test, but that's to be expected, right? :-)


Brian Gaeke, The Dimensional Gate Company    Internet E-Mail: <>
DGate.ORG system adminstrator / PGP 2.6.2 public key available via finger
NetBSD/mac68k: Free UN*X for your Mac II.