Subject: Re: Questions...
To: None <macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: noud de brouwer <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 08/04/1995 22:26:57
>> Also, will MacBSD work with the Mac II I'm getting?
>Well, that depends. You should make sure that it has a PMMU in it. The
>Mac II's CPU is a 68020 which didn't have an MMU built-in. Apple had
>something called an HMMU that most machines were shipped with--this
>allowed one to do basic, fixed memory mapping. To run A/UX (or maybe
>even the MacOS with VM--I'm not sure), you need a real MMU (Motorola 68851).
It does MacOS VM as well.
f.i. Data Memory Systems 1-800-662-7466 has got them for:+/- $65.- excl.
Maybe an expansionboard is a beter choise.