Subject: Re: Sorry.. more q's :)
To: Ronald Legere <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 08/24/1995 18:26:55
> Is there any documetation on the booter 1.6 ?
Not yet.
> I am wondering what the
> radio button that specifies that the kernal is on MacOS means.
It means that you can have the kernel residing in the MacOS folder and
boot from it. This is useful for testing, but not for much else.
> I never changed the "name" of the partition, (I left it at what ever it was)
> (something like NetBSD/mac I think )
> even though I thought it was named AUX root . However, it seems to
> work. Is this name even used?
Yes. It's used if there are two partitions that are both A/UX Root
Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/mac68k **
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