Subject: Re: Mac IIfx
To: None <macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Behr <mabehr@MIT.EDU>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 04/28/1996 22:19:17
Jan Isley wrote:
>> Hello, me again, just wanted to check if, perhaps, anyone had considered,
>> yet, a port for the IIfx...:)
>and wrote, and wrote, and wrote...
>I lost count of how many of these I have seen. The time stamps
>suggest that you are mailing them over and over again instead of
>the mailing list gone amuck. Whatever the problem is, please...
>we saw it the first time.
Though your point about the timestamps is absolutely correct, I doubt that
Mr. Bell would be so stupid as to keep sending out these messages. I've
recieved multiple copies of Mr. Prosse's reply, and your own, so I suspect
that's mailserver has managed to get all those messages stuck in
a mail loop. I only hope we don't start getting a million copies of this
message too.
Would someone over at NetBSD please fix the mailserver?
Mass. Institute of Technology Programming Systems Research
There are some parts of New York that I would advise you not to invade...