Subject: It's not me!!!
To: None <macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Scott Bell <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 05/01/1996 01:29:32
Ok, since I am getting hate mail from people who haven't recognised that
several other people's posts are ALSO repeating, I thought I'd post here so
you will all get the message. I hate doing this, because this one will
just repeat also, but it's better than getting flamed.
By the way, I am impressed, noone has been exceedingly nasty, just patronising.
Sorry all, I seem to be the bearer of bad news (ie: the first to kick off
the problem)
It seems that the source may be "". Their cc:Mail is the
source of all of the posts.... I'm going to send them a message.
If life is a bowl of cherries, why am I in the pits??? (Erma Bombeck)
If I am in the pits, I guess I'll just plant the damn things and have
Cherry trees! (Scott Bell)
"What? Me worry?" Alfred E. Neumann (and Julius Caesar)
Scott R. Bell |
Senior Developer / Technical Resource |
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