Subject: Re: Some ideas for advocacy
To: netbsd-advocacy <>
From: Herb Peyerl <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 09/16/1998 09:18:36
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To: (netbsd-advocacy)
Subject: Re: Some ideas for advocacy 
From: Herb Peyerl <>
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Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 09:18:36 -0600

Tim Rightnour <>  wrote:
 > Perhaps the "powers that be" could put together some ideas on what they would
 > like to see for a logo..  And we can start from there?

huh... I wonder who "the powers that be" are?

personally, I think whatever the theme is, it has to have the daemon guy in
it, in some form.  That means we have to follow Kirks rules on that which I
think are "he has to be smiling, he has to be used in a NetBSD context, and
he can't be posed or represented in a way that is lude or in some way puts
down a competing product"... I think this means the daemon can't have a
penguin on his skewer, much as we'd all like to see that. :-)

I can't really give more guidelines than that because I'm not a creative 
person and I only know what I like when I see it.