Subject: Re: Some ideas for advocacy
To: None <netbsd-advocacy@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Matthew Orgass <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 09/16/1998 15:56:22
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Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 15:56:22 -0400 (EDT)
From: Matthew Orgass <>
To: netbsd-advocacy@NetBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: Some ideas for advocacy
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> # > > TShirts:
> # > > Everybody loves T-Shirts..  We need artwork for one though..  Anyone with
> # > > clue in the printing industry speak up!
> Wow.. thats a great idea.. I would love a NetBSD Polo shirt or something I
> could wear to work..  That would be great advertizement too..  It would be nice
> if we could figure out a way to keep our heads above water enough to keep a
> "store" open of this stuff..

  A while ago I was looking around for printers and kept running into 
companies that did t-shirt, mousepad, bumpersticker, and just about anything 
else except print media.  Of course that was a few years ago when 
printers where just starting to discover the internet.  Now days, Yahoo! 
lists literally hundreds of them printing on every material and product 
imaginable.  Now that NetBSD is a non-profit organization, it is 
possible to make exclusive contracts for "official" NetBSD 
apparel/stickers/etc.  This would also have the advantage that, with the 
right contract, someone *else* would handle the design, manufactureing, 
shipping, and advertising.  Of course we could still do some or all of 
the design if we want, but I think it would be great not to have to worry 
about the details.  With the recent explosion in the general popularity 
of Linux, I suspect there are a few companies that would be happy to sign 
on with an organization that could potentially become a fairly large 
customer, even if we only want a few things right now.

  Of course, we would need to be cafeful not to become too commercial, 
however if we keep prices down inistead of trying to make extra money off 
of it, I think it could be a great opportunity for publicity.

  If everyone thinks this is a good idea, I would be happy to write a 
form letter soliciting bids and, after it has been modified, appended, 
and rewritten to everyone's satisfaction, search through the various 
printing compainies and send it to any that might meet our needs.  I 
would also be willing to contribute towards the initial cost.

  As soon as I can, I'll start looking around to get a better idea of 
what it will cost.  I'll post more info as I find it.

Matthew Orgass