Subject: RE: hmmm..
To: 'Todd Vierling' <>
From: Cousins, Kevin <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 09/24/1998 10:55:44
by with SMTP; 24 Sep 1998 00:56:25 -0000
id <T38KF0B6>; Thu, 24 Sep 1998 10:55:14 +1000
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From: "Cousins, Kevin" <>
To: 'Todd Vierling' <>, "''"
Subject: RE: hmmm..
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 10:55:44 +1000
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Todd> Well, I got one user here in LA to try out NetBSD on a SS5; he
Todd> liked it and nixed plans of using sparc-Linux. Of course, he's
Todd> been a SunOS admin for ~10 years or so.... :)
Three people:
I described NetBSD to a colleague, emphasising its 'widely ported'
nature, and supporting that claim with descriptions of my own
NetBSD/i386 and /pmax experience.
She had been bemoaning her poor prospects of making any use of the two
or three VAXstation 3100 machines she has stacked in a corner. Now
that she knows about NetBSD/vax, she's eager to give it a spin. She
also mentioned that her 17 year old son had expressed an interest in
getting experience on a UNIX-like system [1], and together they've
since been downloading binaries for NetBSD/i386---I spoke to her a
moment ago, and she explained that the Windows machine that they using
for the retrieval died in the arse last night and they had to
reinstall the Microsoft stuff! :)
This woman introduced me to the bloke in the cubicle next to hers,
saying: "Derek? You're interested in learning about UNIX, aren't
you?" [2] I told him about 'a free UNIX-like OS' for which he could
have the complete source tree.
"What, Linux?", he asked.
"No...", but before I could continue...
"Oh, FreeBSD then?", probably thinking he was being particularly
"No. NetBSD!", I said, and went on to describe it to him, with a bit
of emphasis on the various different ports. It turns out that he's
sort of a Macintosh guru, yet his role here is as PC- (and, in
particular, NT- ) support technician. I figure he'll need a bit of
further 'cultivation'.
Another person with a couple of spare VAXstations available pointed at
one of them and said: "Let's put NetBSD on /that/ one"!
[1] She made the claim that she mentioned Linux to her son, and told
him to browse The Web for it. Apparently, he couldn't find it!
[2] Geez! On reading that, I think I must sound like an Amway sales
droid! :)