Subject: Re: empirical method for generation of netbsd book.
To: Joel Reicher <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 09/24/1998 06:42:18
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Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 06:42:18 -0700 (MST)
From: Tim Rightnour <>
To: Joel Reicher <>
Subject: Re: empirical method for generation of netbsd book.
Cc: netbsd-advocacy@NetBSD.ORG, Todd Whitesel <>

On 24-Sep-98 Joel Reicher spoke unto us all:
# > However, I think it makes a lot of sense to wait until 1.4-BETA is mostly
# > converged before we marshal the resources to actually do this.
#  Why not start compiling a list of experiences now? Especially since there
#  are some things that may not crop up in an installation party, such as the
#  building and using of local shared libraries. Almost every newbie I speak
#  to hits this and some are told to mess around with ldconfig, some are told
#  to use LD_LIBRARY_PATH and some use (my preferred method)

I think waiting for 1.4 might be a mistake.  As we all know..  releases can
take awhile, and we never really know when they are coming out.  I think
writing something now, and updating a few minor nits for 1.4 would deliver
something alot quicker than starting after 1.4 goes into release cycle.

I also think a *really* good place to start would be to look at /usr/share/doc
and perhaps bring that up to date.  Its a win for the tree even if nothing ever
gets published.

Tim Rightnour  -
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