Subject: Re: Writing a technical article about NetBSD
To: Dante Profeta <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 10/07/1998 14:56:36
by with SMTP; 7 Oct 1998 12:56:35 -0000
From: "Anders Dinsen"<>
To: Dante Profeta <>, netbsd-advocacy@NetBSD.ORG
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 98 14:56:36 +100
Subject: Re: Writing a technical article about NetBSD
Message-id: <>
>I'm going writing a technical article on "BYTE Italia" about NetBSD.
>I'd like to have suggestions about the most important issues to write
In my opinion, networking is the most important issue, since 4.4BSD is effectively
the reference implementation of TCP/IP. The structure of the networking stack
must be interesting to your readers, i.e. definitions of terms like interfaces,
arp layer, ip, tcp, udp. Also routing, dhcp, dns and capabilities that are specific
for NetBSD compared to 4.4BSD: PPP, NAT etc.
Hardware support and precompiled packages are other notable features of NetBSD.
Particularly the portablility of course, although most NetBSD'ers are currently
i386'ers, but in my opinion it has a tremendous amount of positive influence
on the NetBSD "product", even if I only run i386.
The precompiled packages makes it easy to get a customized platform up for whatever
I want: Internet serving, routing, DNS... or for a workstation.