Subject: Re: Export NetBSD CDs
To: Marc Baudoin <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 10/11/1998 22:49:53
  by with SMTP; 12 Oct 1998 02:50:06 -0000
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To: Marc Baudoin <>
cc: netbsd-advocacy@NetBSD.ORG,,
Subject: Re: Export NetBSD CDs 
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Date: Sun, 11 Oct 1998 22:49:53 -0400
From: "Perry E. Metzger" <>

Marc Baudoin writes:
> I'm convinced the next CDs should be made with no crypto stuff,
> so that they can be used by virtually anynone anywhere.  It's
> mandatory if we want to spread NetBSD out there.  The few people
> in the USA or Canada that really need Kerberos or other crypto
> stuff can always get them by FTP.

I don't think anyone objects to such CDs being produced. However, you
might have more luck seeing them done if you were to help with getting
them produced.

> The 1.3.2 CDs are sold out so is there a plan to make new ones
> right now, should we wait for NetBSD 1.3.3 (I saw some messages
> about 1.3.3 in the CVS commits) or is there no plan at all about
> making new CDs?

1.3.3 is probably the thing to wait for -- I am expecting it soon.

> The point is the French people here can offer help if the NetBSD
> Foundation needs it.  I met with Paul Marques Mota last week.
> He's responsible for the French NetBSD mirror and he's willing to
> help making CDs if needed.

That might be a good thing!

One caution: TNF has no money right now ( :( ) so cash is not likely
