Subject: Re: Export NetBSD CDs
To: Markus Illenseer <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 10/12/1998 20:53:59
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Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 20:53:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Brownlee <>
To: Markus Illenseer <>
cc: netbsd-advocacy@NetBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: Export NetBSD CDs
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On Sun, 11 Oct 1998, Markus Illenseer wrote:

> > 	The OpenBSD CDroms are bootable on "i386, sparc, alpha, powerpc,
> > 	and arc". I don't know if they do this by making each CD bootable
> > 	on a subset of machines, but it would be nce if we could manage to
> > 	make the NetBDS CDRom bootable on more platforms if possible.
>  I know how they do for i386 and sparc. I fail to know about alpha and
> powerpc _all_ on the _same_ CD. There is only one double header, as far
> as I know, not a set for each platform. The later would be unaffordable.
	Probably each of the two CDs bootable on two platforms.

	The gateway CD is already bootable on i836 - if another platform
	could be added to that it would be really helpful... :)
> > 	I wonder if we could add the source in a ustar format file (I
> > 	noticed	the alpha bootloader has a ustarfs filesystem reader).
>  You mean tar'ed but not compressed? 
> (BTW, how would a _source_ help to boot?)
	Sorry - I was answering a different part of the email- I should
	have included that section :) - That was a suggestion as to how
	to make the source directly mountable on the CD-Rom.

>  Yes, I have thought about that already. I.e. I wont distribute
> Emacs :-) Emacs is too big, and there are even two Emacsen, both of
> which claim to be different - just not in space.
	I picked pice as probably one of the simplest editors around
	(its also part of pine, which is one of the best text mailers),
	but maybe one of the micro-emacs clones would also make sense.
	I just think we should have _something_ other than vi for new
	users (I prefer vi, but its lame to inflict vi or ed on people
	who are just starting unix)

>  Well, you see the problem: What is a "popular" package? Is it better
> to give several smaller packages a better chance against one large hog?
	I'd pick packages that are of imediate use to inexperienced users
	first (simple editor, and maybe tcsh , bang top of that list),
	followed by whatever people think are the most commonly useful.

>  pkgsrc is 1MB packed, about 4MB unpacked; Would be a good idea to
> unpack the sources for a possible UNION-Mount. Distributing distfiles
> would solve the dilemma to decide which binary package should be put

	Agreed on both counts.

> on the CD. But then again, the slower platforms (and the lazy guys)
> would be happy to get binary distributions.
	Would be nice - if only we had the space...


                  -=-  and team B will be... Kenny.  -=-